Daffodil |
- March is the 3rd month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar.
- March is one of the 7 months which are 31 days long.
- March in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of September in the Southern Hemisphere.
- In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning spring is March, 21.
- March was the first month of the year in the ancient Roman Calendar.
- The month was named Martius after Mars (Ares), the god of war.
- Birthstones of March: aquamarine and bloodstone.
- March's birth flower is the Daffodil.
- In many cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.
- Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in March 17.
- Albert Einstein was born on 14 March, 1879.
- The Jewish festival of Purim usually occurs in March.
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